Working from home? DON’T DO THIS!

If you are working from home AND you’re using a personal device such as a smartphone or personal laptop to log in to company-owned cloud applications – STOP! Unless your personal device is covered under one of our managed security plans, you could accidentally introduce a virus or hacker to the company’s network. ONLY devices that have our advanced cyber security tools installed and are under our vigilant watch of patching, updating and monitoring should be used to access your company’s data. Remember, data in the cloud is just as vulnerable as data at your office. In fact, 59% of ransomware incidents where the data is successfully encrypted involve data in the public cloud. The cloud is where the attacker stole the data AND where they store it awaiting ransom payments.

Side Note: We can set up a way for you to work from home securely; call our office if you would like us to set that up at (813) 240-7772.

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P.S. If someone forwarded this to you, you can subscribe to these tips here:



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